Recently the January issue of Glamour arrived at my door. The cover features a noticeably cleaned up Britney Spears in a white shirt against a white backdrop. She's all brown eyes and tenuous smile, legs folded underneath her demurely. The headline reads: "Healthier at Last, She Finally Opens Up About Her 'Crazy Year.'" In the article, the interviewer notes that her manager is there, disallowing Britney to answer many of the questions. Furthermore, Glamour states "it's a recovery in progress," and that her energy levels fluxuated wildly from alert to lethargic.
I hope, for Britney's sake, that she's better. But more importantly, I hope for the purposes of branding "American culture," that she's done making an ass out of herself. I think the comeback attempt is sweet, but unlikely to succeed, and it would be better still if she would just go away.
I don't hate Britney. I'm not crazy about that kind of music, but honestly, I mostly feel sorry for her. I just wish she would knock it off because she's embarassing me.
Same thing with George W. You'll never see me with an "Impeach Bush" bumper sticker, because I actually feel sorry for the guy. He wasn't really capable of dealing with all the problems that came with running a nation. He's just kind of ... embarassing.
So we're wrapping up with George W., and that makes me feel incredibly relieved. Maybe it's time for Britney to "retire" as well? Wouldn't that be grand? Please, Britney, Bush -- just go away already?
Monkeyshines 2018 - The Year of the Dog
7 years ago
1 comment:
Hear hear!
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